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Nut butters are a staple in my house considering the amount of protein balls I make. However, I will say Homemade Peanut Butter probably tops my list for my favourite nut butter. It acts as a comfort food for me. I’ve admitted it before and I’ll admit it again, I eat it by the spoonful, especially when it is homemade. 

You might be wondering how can I make Homemade Peanut Butter at home? Surprisingly it is super simple and only requires 1 obvious ingredient! PEANUTS!


I like to use unsalted roasted peanuts for this recipe. However, if you are a salt lover, feel free to use salted peanuts. Also, even though they are already roasted, I prefer to give them a quick roast again to really enhance that peanut flavour. It also makes the peanut butter nice and dark which is how I prefer it. 

Outside of peanuts the only other items you will require is a food processor and of course an oven. Then you are on your way to some Homemade Peanut Butter. 

I don’t think I need to mention all the things peanut butter can be used for. In baking, on toast, on bananas or by the spoonful (like I do!)

So keep life simple with this super simple, healthy, vegan and clean recipe!

food processor peanuts


2 cups unsalted roasted peanuts 


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spread-out peanuts evenly on a baking pan.
  2. Put in oven for 7-9 minutes or until the peanuts become fragrant. Watch carefully over the last 3 minutes or so to ensure you don’t burn them
  3. Remove from oven and allow to cool 
  4. Add cooled peanuts to a food processor and allow to process for approximately 7-9 minutes or until desired consistency is met. 
  5. Store in a seal tight container in the cupboard.
spoon with peanut butter

Can’t get enough of nut butters? Try out these amazing recipes!

Cheers to a healthier you!
