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Chewy, nutty, and full of all sorts of goodness, these Banana peanut butter granola bars are superb! My favourite part is they are healthy, simple, and great on the go. 

I struggle to find a healthy wholesome granola bar that doesn’t break the bank! Considering I am the queen of snacks I insist on having bars handy at any given time. Especially with two kiddos who constantly snack. My kids love these Banana peanut butter granola bars for their nighttime snack. Of course, I am more than happy to give it to them because the ingredients are clean!

Banana PB granola bars

These bars check all the boxes on my snack list. First, they are free of processed sugars. Second, they are high in protein and fiber. Lastly, they are quick and easy to make. Not to mention they have vegan and gluten-free options for those that require that! 

Furthermore these babies are NO BAKE. That is always music to my ears!

So, if you are looking for a way to fuel up in the morning, at snack time or before bed these are the perfect granola bar.


1.5 cup rolled oats

½ cup shredded unsweetened coconut

½ cup trail mix

¼ cup peanuts chopped

1.5 tsp cinnamon

1 ripe banana mashed

½ cup honey (or agave)

½ cup natural peanut butter

1 tsp vanilla 


  1. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl 
  2. In a small bowl mash banana and add remaining wet ingredients
  3. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix well 
  4. Spread mixture into an 8×8 or 9×9 baking pan lined with wax paper. 
  5. Flatten and smooth
  6. Place in freezer until firm (approx. 30 minutes)
  7. Remove and cut into approx. 16 squares 
  8. Store in fridge or freezer depending on preference (I prefer freezer)
banana peanut butter granola bars

Want more healthy snack recipes? Follow my board on Pinterest!

Also, check out my recent post on Healthy Butterfinger Bars for another quick and easy snack idea!

If you enjoyed this recipe be sure to save it on Pinterest and share!

Cheers to a healthier you!
