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We focus a lot on physical fitness in our society but how about mental fitness? What is that you ask? Essentially being mentally fit means to care for your mental and emotional well-being. In addition, it’s about being in tune with your emotions and understanding them so that you can properly meet your needs. 

Unfortunately for some people this can be a difficult concept to buy into. Meanwhile, for others, let’s face it, they just don’t have the time to focus on their emotional needs. I am here to tell you that you can do small and simple things in your day-to-day life to improve or build yourself to become mentally fit. Unfortunately, we live in a world that frowns upon focusing on ourselves. Conversely, by doing so we will improve mental wellness which will build mental fitness providing more energy to focus on others! 

After 15 years working in mental health, the most common mistake I see clients make in my practice as a clinical social worker is neglecting many of the things on this list which takes a toll on their mental wellness. With that said, when stress gets high and life gets too busy, here are 10 things to engage in regularly to improve mental fitness:

Get the proper amount of sleep 

I really can’t stress this enough people! 7-9 hours every single night! Undoubtedly, if you’re clocking in less than that your mental health and clarity will suffer.

Eat regularly throughout the day

By far the most common mistake I see in my practice is people skipping breakfast and lunch each day and then wonder why they feel anxious, irritable or exhausted. Remember your body is like a car. Would you ever drive a car on an empty gas tank? No! Without a doubt, skipping meals is essentially running on empty! 

Set boundaries

Learn to say NO! If you don’t have the time, don’t add one more thing on your plate. Being a “yes” person can be physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting. 

Avoid processed sugars & alcohol

We all love a good sugar rush or alcohol buzz. Unfortunately, the fun fizzles and we are left with a fog that can take hours or even days to recover from. 

For ideas on how to avoid processed sugars check out this post How to Satisfy Sweet Cravings without Sabotaging Your Diet

Sweat it out! 

Nothing makes me feel more powerful both mentally and physically than a good workout. It helps to let out frustrations and stress and reset! 

Not sure what to do for a workout? Check out my post on the Best at Home Cardio Workouts!

Write in a gratitude journal each day

Start out your day the right way by reflecting on all the things you are thankful for and writing it in a journal. It’s very easy to get caught up in the negative which is emotionally draining. In that case, stop that train before it even starts by focusing on the positives in your life. 

Practice mindfulness 

If you are new to mindfulness, it’s about being present in the moment. If you are feeling stressed or anxious your mind is in the future and if you are feeling down or depressed your mind is in the past. 

A quick and simple mindfulness activity I do is called the ‘Mindful 5’. This is where you use your senses and find 5 things to see, 4 things to hear, 3 things to touch, 2 things to smell and 1 thing to taste. 

For other mindfulness practices try Boho Beautiful and her meditation and mindfulness exercises. Click here for one.

Reduce time on social media

Social media can be a huge trigger for many of us. It is so easy to look at the perfectly placed lives of others online and feel envious, resentful, or downright depressed. 

Create a to-do list for the next day

This eases my brain every single day. Such a simple and easy concept yet it helps to accomplish so much and keeps me organized. If you find yourself staying up late thinking about all the things you need to accomplish the next day, then this strategy will save you a lot of time and energy!

Meal plan 

There is nothing more stressful than rushing home from work and frantically prepping dinner from scratch. Meanwhile the kids (and maybe even your partner) hover around you asking a million questions including “when will dinner be ready?”.  Squash this stress by preparing your meals the night before so you can come home from work and have some time to unwind, spend quality time with the kids or even fit in a workout before dinner!

Looking for meal prep ideas? Checkout my post on 8 Healthy Vegetarian Dinner Recipes for the veggie lovers!

Take home message….

Self care! Just do it! It is SO critical in reducing stress and becoming mentally fit.

Go on and start building that mental endurance today!  Becoming mentally fit will be the best gift you can give yourself and others. I promise you!

Cheers to a healthier you!
